Saturday, December 19, 2009

Video Blog

Well I did my 1st ever video blog. I was really nervous but it wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be. SO I thought I'd share it with you all. Enjoy.


Beth said...

girl you've got me crying like i have never cried READING a blog before! this an amazing idea! so amazingly honest and heartfelt. we've definitely got to meet sometime.. how about i get you some onesies.. and then let me buy you coffee (decaf! :) and give them to you. i think of you ALL the time. i will be praying for your new little sweetheart. and you forgot to show the u/s pic!

Anonymous said...

I have been following up on from Kayleighs blog you and crying with you over the loss of your precious girls. I am so excited for you and share in your anxieties over this pregnancy. I check your blog several times a week for updats, I always hope for more good news. Thanks for sharing a part of your life with us. We will continue to pray for you and the little peanut or peanuts you are carrying.

Amy said...

Congratulations on the new pregnancy and I pray for a happy and healthy pregnancy/delivery. I have followed your blog for the last several months from Kaleigh's blog site. As a Labor & Delivery Nurse, it absolutely breaks my heart to hear of families who have had to go through losing a child. Thank you for sharing your story! God bless you and your family and continue to guide you in your life and through this pregnancy.

Melanie said...

Loved your video blogs! You did great... Keep them coming! I am praying for you as well as alot of others. I totally understand the fear that you are feeling. You take care and rest! Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year!

JJR said...

Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. You are a true meaning of a follower of Christ - still standing tall after 2 major losses. This blog will be a great testimony to a lot of people. I have emailed you about starting a preemie onesie drive in my area here in NJ. I've made the first step that you suggested which is to start a blog which I did tonight! Woo hoo! I haven't published it yet as I am anal when it comes to posting grammatically correct sentences. Go figure! If you don't mind, I'll be emailing you directly for guidance on this onesie drive! God bless!

dragonflyz in June said...

Congratulations on your pregnancy!! I am so happy for you both! I can understand your fears and I can empathize. I had 2 miscarriages and when I got pregnant a 3rd time, I was put on immediate bed-rest and feared the worst so many times. I tried to keep my mind off it and be positive and I now have a healthy, very happy 11 month old son. THIRD TIME'S A CHARM!! This will be your little charmer too! I look forward to updates and will keep you in my prayers!

Jessi said...

You did awesome. I really like the video blog thing.

I'm so sorry for your losses. I pray that this is a healthy pregnancy. I can't imagine the worry and weight you must be feeling.

Jen said...


I just somehow stumbled upon your blog and watched your video. I have to start by saying, you're personality is so cute.

I am so sorry for all you have been through and I pray with all of my heart that your current pregnancy results in a beautiful, healthy baby!!

With all you have been through coupled with your are an inspiration!!

Thank you for posting about Jennie's story. I already went over and commented. On June 17th of this year my then 2 year old baby girl was involved in an accident and is severely brain injured.

There are no coincidences. My husband and I were just talking last night about how through our horrific experience we hope in the future, in some way, we can help other families who have had to endure what we have. And today, because of you, I came across Jennie's story.

My best friend lost two babies in a row to anencephaly and was told she would never have a healthy baby. She has 2 beautiful, perfectly healthy boys now.

Stay strong, positive and hopeful!



Ziggsmama said...

Hi Rachel - i've been following you for a while and have you in my thoughts and prayers all the time. Happy New Year!! I hope you're feeling well and will update us soon with good news!! hugs Sarah