Wednesday, December 2, 2009

5 Weeks...Appt. and U/S

Today was my 1st ultrasound and 1st prenatal appointment. I went in at 2pm for the u/s. The tech was so nice. She was very friendly and talkative. Just what I needed to calm my nerves. I have been spotting since Thanksgiving day. It was pink for 3 days then to brown. Needless to say it has scared me to death. Today I had no spotting so that was good. Well the tech had me lay down to do the u/s. I was surprised to even see the gestational sac through an abdominal u/s this early. Unfortunately we were unable to see the baby that way. I had to have a dreaded trans vaginal u/s in order to see the baby. Anyone who has ever had one of those KNOWS how uncomfortable that is. Well once she started the u/s that way she had to push on my tummy to see the baby on the screen. Some good news? The baby is in the larger horn of my bicornuate uterus. Bad news, sorta? Too early to see or hear the heartbeat. Well, I was a little upset by the fact that we couldn't see the heart beating. Kinda had me worried. I though and could have swore that we seen Hannah's heart beating at 5w6d. When I came home though I found Hannah's 1st u/s and it wasn't till 6w3d that we seen and heard her heart beating. So other than that every thing looked good on the u/s. The Little Bean was measuring at exactly 5w6d. That is perfect dating according to the day I ovulated. There was no signs of anything wrong or reason for spotting which was good to know. I go back the Friday after next. That will be December 11th. I had my blood pressure and weight checked today. I forgot to ask what my BP was. My weight was 137. I was SO shocked. That means I have gained 3 pounds since the 4th of November. How is that possible? I haven't been pigging out or anything. Well, 'm going to try to eat as healthy as possible and walk the dog 3 times a day. I'm hoping the walking will help to keep my weight stable for a while. I sat down with the doctor in his office after my exam and spoke with him for a bit. I told him that I had been losing quite a bit of hair for a few months now. Then I told him that since being pregnant it has gotten much worse. I see that my hair line is receding from it. It's been driving me crazy. Well, I've thought I have a thyroid issue for the past few months after doing research online. I have almost ALL symptoms on the list. Also people with this problem when pregnant face having babies that are small (IUGR), birth defects, and possible stillbirth. Well funny that I have had ALL 3! So as soon as I told the doc about my hair loss he said I needed my thyroid levels checked. I was so relieved to hear him say that. This doc always seems to be a step ahead of the game. That is really putting our minds at ease. So I went to the lab after my appt. today and had my regular prenatal blood work done along with the thyroid panel done. I hope to get the results back soon. If I do have a thyroid imbalance, it will really explain a lot of my pregnancy history. It may sound weird, but I kinda hope that that IS what's been going on. Why do I say that? Well, if that IS the case, it's treatable with meds. That means I could have a normal pregnancy if treated. I hate to have something wrong with me but would LOVE to have answers. It would be such a huge relief. Well that's about it. I go back on December 11th for my 2nd u/s and then on December 30th for my 2nd prenatal appt.

Here is our Little Bean. 5w6d


Sarah said...

I can understand you wanting it to be a thyroid problem- as you said-that's TREATABLE!!! Thinking of you as you await your test results and praying that the little bean continues to grow and thrive xx

Franchesca said...

So happy for you with this Rainbow on the way. I can understand wanting answers, I hope you get what you are looking for. I am also glad to hear that the baby was measuring good and that there was nothing to worry about as far as the spotting. I had spotting a few days ago and it worried me to no end. Thank God it turned out to be nothing. I will keep you and your beautiful rainbow in my prayers.


Sky said...

I hope you get the answers you need and things can be treated.
Glad to hear that things are plodding along nicely with your little baby.
thinking of you x

Beth said...

so good to hear an update.. i know what you mean about wanting a medical answer to the past. we have none. so how do we prevent it from happening again if we dont know how it happened in the first place??

hope you get some more answers, and more good news about the new baby. praying for you!

Holly said...

Hope you hear the results soon so you can find out and start treatment. It would've been nice to have a seen a little flutter on the US screen.

Andrea said...

Praying for you and you will be in my thoughts on the 11th. I only wish all this anxiety didn't have to accompany and sometimes over shadow the JOY. Life after loss is so trying, but we have to lean on faith to carry us along and know the arms of friends are always stretched out for us :)


Maria said...

I haven't checked your blog in some time and so happy to hear you are pregnant! My prayers are with you for a beautiful healthy baby!

Unknown said...

i came across your blog by finding your other blog about the onsies.

i think it's awesome what you have started with that.

also, from reading your posts, i see that you are pregnant!!


your family will be in my prayers, you are a very strong woman!

MoDLin said...

It is natural to want answers and a thyroid problem would provide you many. Whatever the results are, I hope you establish a hale and hearty place for yourself and this new little bean. May you have an uneventful 40 weeks with a healthy baby at the end.