Sunday, August 8, 2010

Just getting around to putting my videos here...sorry so late!


dragonflyz in June said...

Hey Rachel
Hang in there, you will get through this. I had a lot of issues nursing too, from blebs, to thrush, to cracks, to low milk supply.
For the low milk supply, there are some prescription meds that you can take to up your supply, but what I used was a product called 'more milk plus' by Motherlove. It works like a charm and it helped to up my supply when my son was younger and nursed exclusively. Once he began to eat food, and nursed less, I no longer needed the supplements. I totally recommend it and it is worth trying. I am in the LaLeche League and this product contains a few of the supplements that they recommended. You can check the site to help locate a store near you that sells it. It is also all natural so much safer (in my opinion) than a prescription drugs.
Congratulations on your adorable little Noah, he is perfection. Praise God!
Peace & Blessings

Teresa said...

Just stopping by from Playing With Angels.

I am not sure if you were aware of it or not, but your little precious angels, Carly and Hannah, and your family have been on our prayer list.

I thought I would share with you that last night I started "Little Ones to Him Belong Wednesday" to remind me to stop by and let you know that I am still thinking of you and praying for you and your family and check in on you and let you know that people continue to care about your losses.

It looks like from looking at this entry that Congratulations are in order on little baby, Noah?

Is that right?

God is so good! My thoughts are with you and congratulations to your family.

Please feel free to stop by any time and visit.

Lindz said...

Sorry to hear about your 2 little girls and congrats on your baby boy. I'm due with my 5th baby which is a boy in Dec.

I have added you to my blog list so I can check back.

Have a good day.

Bridget said...

Hi Carly,

Congratulations on the safe arrival of Noah! He looks absolutely gorgeous. Our babies are only a week or so apart :).


Ronnie Overby said...

Hi, I've read many of your posts and watched your videos. I was moved by them and I'm sorry for all that you and your husband have went through.

My wife and I have a baby girl in the hospital that was born at 26 weeks at 14 oz.

My wife has had a low supply as well. She was worried about how she might keep up with demand as our daughter grows.

You can check out our blog about the ordeal at

I appreciate your blog and hope your son continues to stay very healthy.

-Ronnie Overby