Sunday, May 30, 2010

31 weeks

Ok, so I've been kinda slack at posting my videos here. Lots of people keep asking if I'm gonna post updates on here. If you don't see an update for a while here you can go check out my YouTube channel to see if I have any videos there that have't made their way here yet. I'll post what videos I have done over the last few weeks. Oh, my YouTube channel name is carlynicoleelliotte.


Martie xxx said...

Oh how i miss those enormous kicks and movements! It is sooo special! You are looking fabulous!

L'Briska Robertson said...

Just want to say I am praying for you and your baby and your angels in heaven. I lost my Julian on April 7th due to Subchorionic Hemorrhage and Placenta Previa. I was only 21 weeks. Julian weighed 15 oz...2 oz heavier than your Carly. Although he was much too young and his lungs were not mature enough to last very long outside in this world. He is awaiting us in heaven along with your Carly and Hannah. We plan to try again in December 2010. Your blog gives me hope. I will keep you and your sweet baby in my prayers. God bless your heart.