Wednesday, October 8, 2008

28 weeks......

Well today I'm 28 weeks. It's so hard to believe. Things are going great. I'm growing and Hannah's on the move! Nothing much to report as far as my pregnancy goes. I go next Friday to have my gloucose test done. How exciting...just kidding!

Well this Saturday is a memorial service being held by the childrens hospital for all the babies lost in the NICU in the last little while. They called me back in the summer asking me if I would speak. I told them yes right off the bat. But then as time went on I became more and more nervous. I can't back out now it's like 3 days away. But what in the world will I say? I'll probably lose it up there. But I'll give it my best. Ya know what the weird thing is? This Saturday I'll be 28w3d pregnant with baby Hannah. And when I delivered Carly I was 28w3d pregnant. I went in for my appointment when I found out I was gonna have her at 2pm. And this weekend the service starts at 2pm. I don't know I just thought it was weird. Anyways, at the end of the service every parent of a child lost will release a live butterfly into the air at the Frazier Memorial Park. And then they will also serve refreshments. So say a little prayer for me Saturday that I won't trip over my words. Oh yeah...any advice on what to say?

Well tonight I got bored and painted my belly. Here's some pics.


Carly Marie said...

That is completely unreal! What a beautiful belly :) I just watched your youtube video for October 15th and I was wondering how you were doing. I found this blog and was so excited to see that your little honey is growing so well :) I hope you don't mind if I placed you on my blog list :)

I pray that your Saturday went beautifully for you. I hope that God gave you the strength to speak. I think it is wonderful that in the states these precious babies are honoured and remembered. My husband and I are trying to start up something precious here in Australia . . . and it has really taken off :)

Bless you and know I am praying for you and your sweet Hannah down here in Australia

Love Carly x

Rachel Elliotte said...

Thank you so much! Yes Saturday went great. It was very emotional but good. My angel baby's name was Carly too. :)

Carly Marie said...

I am so happy that Saturday went great for you :) I can only imagine how emotional it would have been for you.

To think that I share my name with an Angel. . . how blessed am I?!

Your sweet heart was beautiful, she still is, she is just in another place, a place so beautiful that our minds can't even comprehend it. I hope that our children are playing on the streets of Gold together :)

Praying for your strength and health and Hannah's too :)

I feel blessed to be a witness to your journey.