Tuesday, March 2, 2010

18 week update/ Dr. appt


Rebecca said...

Rachel I just wanted to say what an amzing woman I think you are. I stumbled onto your blog from Youtube and have been absolutley transfixed. I will be looking forward to sharing your blog over the coming months and will be sending you lots of love and best wishes. I think the clothes you bought are gorgeous and the nursery looks beautiful. Good luck, Rebecca, Melbourne Australia

Teresa said...

Rachel, I just came across your blog and I am your newest follower. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I am so touched by your journey.

Mommy A. said...

Hi Rachel. I'm Andrea. I also stumbled across your blog while looking for words from women facing pregnancy complications. I was going to just slip away unnoticed, but instead wanted to drop a line to wish you well with the new little one. Your story has helped me put mine into perspective, and I know there are others out there whom you have helped by sharing your story. Keep that strength! If it is okay, I would like to follow your blog as you continue....


Mama2aMiracle said...

Hi Rachel,

Not sure if you remember me..it has been quiet sometime since we chatted through myspace. I 1st found you when Carly was in the NICU and we chatted a bit thro. myspace. My son was born at 25 weeks gestation and I believe I had stumbled across your myspace in a prayer request group. I still have not forgotten about your sweet girls and recently started blogging again and remembered you too have a blog! I'm very excited to see that your expecting another little one. You are in my prayers for a safe delivery..and as close to term as possible..

Lori (seths mommy)

Beth said...

Rachel you look radiant! definitely not fat, I can tell you are pregnant and I can see the line too ! Precious! I LOVE that maternity shirt too, where did you get it? The blue puppy sweater and the sweater with the hat were my favorites too.... I know you had so much fun doing all that shopping.

Beth said...

forgot a few things... thanks for talking about your MFM bc I'm definitely going to get the AFP now.. I didnt last time. Shoot.. I wonder if it would have been high :( But we have the same MFMs, so any info is greatly appreciatd.

The nursery looks GORGEOUS! We have that same yellow... but we have it half and half with an orange marmalade instead of the white wainscoting. It's SO pretty! And Cocalo is a great quality company... we had that stuff for Kathlyn's room and it is lovely.