Friday, January 22, 2010

Pregnancy week 13


~Jennifer~ said...

Congratulations on the baby boy news! I have 2 boys... they are the best! I wish you a happy and healthy 6mo, wow! it goes by fast. Take care.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you!! I have been checking in on you for a while now, I learned of you from Kayleighs Blog. I kept thinking your suprise would be twins, I have them and have had a feeling you were pregnant with twins.....the size of your belly would explain

Try to watch yourself closely with the previa, get off your feet as much as you can! We are praying for a healthy and loooong pregnancy this time.
God Bless, its so good to hear from you on the videos too.

Peyton and Paisley's Mommy said...

Congrats Rachel. I have been praying for you to have a happy and healthy pregnancy. I am so excited for you.

chloe's clan said...

Oh Rachel.. I KNEW IT! I was thinking from the start that it was a boy!!!! Congratulations! I'm so excited for you. :) Take care and just take it easy.

Crissie said...

Hey Rachel....I have been following your blog for a long while and I have never got on and wrote to you but I have to start because I am so excited for you and want you to know that! I found you way back when from Kayliegh's website. But I have you on my blogger dashboard and I get so excited to see your updates and then to find out that you were having a boy WOW! That was SOOOO early to find out but you are right there is no doubt! Your little belly is getting so cute and round and you look great! Maybe you will be all belly being that it is a little boy maybe it will be a bit different. I know they say it doesnt matter but who knows! I also wanted to tell you that there was a day that I was sitting in my office at work in a meeting when I was 13 weeks pregnant with my Daughter and I had not even told anyone that I was expecting yet and I was shocked but I FELT HER MOVE!!! I knew that is what it was and I just started smiling and looking elated. People thought I was nuts for sure because we were talking about boring work stuff... lol.

But I am praying for you out here in Ct and I think that you are doing a great job with your eating, weight, video blogs etc... Take time to rest and take your time picking out colors! I like that brown color on your walls but I agree not very babyish! ANd you know when you sell your house someday you can always paint it back to a nuetral if you had too for like 30 dollars! I am glad you guys are so excited!


Breanna said...

Congratulations on your baby boy!!!

I love watching your videos!!

*I have an award for you =) Check my blog in about a 1/2 hour =)

Jessi said...

Huge congrats on the baby boy!!! :)

Hope things continue to look well!

Holly said...

Congrats on your little boy! That's so great!!